Monday, December 15, 2008

Honestly Speaking

I'm watching Freedom Writer's right now...and I love the feeling I get from watching it. I absolutely love movies that touch a certain spot in my body that reminds me that I have a purpose in life. Deep down inside I have a strong urge to truly promote change in the world. I am overly sensitive about people and their situations in life. Although I may come off as a bitch; I know I do sometimes, but I have one of the biggest hearts in the world. That's why I get hurt so easily. But yeah, this movie is spectacular in my eyes. Hilary Swank epitomizes what I want to do in life. I love children, and I love helping people, it is my absolute passion in life. I mean, I have my big career goals; Doctorate in psychology, owning my own psychology practice, event planning and all that fun stuff. But, I know deep down inside if I only got my Master's and taught students in a classroom and caused change I'd be satisfied with life. Yeah, I like money, I love shopping, but for some reason I don't go to bed as happy after I've shopped all day compared to when I volunteered with children, and made someone smile who forgot what it felt like. It's such an exhilarating feeling!!
Due to unforeseen circumstances however; too many drunken nights, busy days trying to create a life fit for a college student, chasing unwanted love, and running away from a love I couldn't handle anymore I kind of lost my vision. College is so you're there to do what you want yet you get sidetracked and your vision gets altered. I plan on staying on track though. I'm starting y being a mentor next semester. I feel if I keep myself surrounded by my goals I won't stray away from it. Great start Jasmine!!!
And as for the earlier post today I'm too pretty to be bitter. I know deep down inside I'm going to RUN INTO the person I should be with. So, once again I'm not looking, just living and learning. Come find me...later on in life!!!

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